Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Day After Valentine's Day!

We're not really big Valentine's Day celebraters here.  In fact, I posted last year on my other blog of things that I like better than roses or diamonds (plus I'd rather have it all throughout the year than just on one day!).  We did exchange a couple of small gifts, which was nice, and son even surprised me with a gift he made at school - so sweet!  And I did consume a raspberry mocha from Peet's coffee, which I figured is the sort of drink one should have on Valentine's Day.  :)

I did plan a dinner for the family which was all new recipes that I thought we'd all like.  Unfortunately, my timing didn't go as well as I had hoped (that is nothing unusual for me) and I crammed too many things into one day.  Dinner did happen, but we ended up eating it while watching Toy Story 3 since I had no time or room left to set a nice table!  However, we loved the movie (we've seen it before) and loved the food - yay!

My biggest mishap of the evening?

That would be instant strawberry ice cream (frozen strawberries, sugar, and heavy cream blended and poured in a shallow pan to freeze) spilled all down the freezer and even onto the floor.  We did have about half a pan left!  Of course this happened when I had a million other things to do in a short amount of time - LOL!

Ah, but there are always silver linings! 
 ~ I didn't have to clean up the ice cream that spilled on the floor as the dog licked it all up for me. 
 ~ My freezer is getting the good cleaning it desperately needed. 
 ~ Hubs and I will be consuming far less high-calorie ice cream which will mean less weight gain.  :)

Making me smile today:
My Valentine's gift from hubs - a set of devotionals I was hoping for!

Got any good Valentine's Day stories?  Have a lovely day friends!

Smiling in the sunshine though I know a storm is on its way,
Lisa  :)


  1. Well for someone who doesn't really do "anything" you seemed to have done plenty. Or plenty happened, I'm not sure which. LOL!

    I figure since my fridge is practically new, I have a few good months left before I actually have to clean it. LOL!

    Big it's good to be back to the big ol' something or other size hugs to you!

  2. I had to clean out my fridge (and the one outside and the deep freeze) a few weeks ago. Yuck. But, as you said, it needed to be done and now it is. :)

    Glad you had a good Valentine's Day. Scott had to go to the hospital to check on a man from our church who had a heart attack ... so the girl and I had Philly cheesesteaks ( our favorite! ).

  3. Well, Valentines is Mikey's birthday, so we have festivities upon festivities here! ;) I've frozen chicken broth in freezer bags before (NOT anymore)...and had it leak and then FREEZE into the freezer...ewwww.
    That ice cream looks so yummy, I think I woulda licked it up too, hee hee.
    Hey, I made that Chicken Ceaser Lasagne for dinner tonight, but I made my Alfredo sauce using goat cheese and leftover gryere cheese...it was SO good!

  4. Tell me more about the devotions...

    Sorry about the mess. Saw you post about it on twitter on my phone and finally got around today to stalking you so I could find where you are blogging. Found them both LOL.

    My husband and I the last few years have been putting the kids to bed and then have steak and lobster on the grill. It is nice to just be at home and casual.


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